Rod Hunt's contribution to the new book from Creative Social 'The Best Piece of Advice Ever'" .
"Don’t let short term greed get in the way of long term greed." - Said to Benjamin Palmer, Barbarian Group, by Taxi founder Paul Lavoie.
The book, 'Best Piece of Advice Ever' was born of a simple yet quite fantastic question by one of the Socials at Creative Social Paris, to one of the speakers - ‘What’s the best piece of advice you have ever been given?’ Jim Haynes, an accomplished fellow, notorious for the lively open dinner parties hosted at his Parisian apartment for 35 years responded "if you do something for someone, forget it immediately. If someone does something for you, remember it always". The book collects the best piece of advice from each of the 'Socials' matches them with the talented illustrators and designers from creative management agency Bernstein & Andriulli, and brings them to life.