When Towns Go Mad - Bizarre editorial Illustration on collective insanity in communities

When Towns Go Mad - Bizarre Magazine editorial Illustration on collective insanity in communities 

An editorial double page spread illustration for Bizarre Magazine called When Towns Go Mad for an article on communities experiencing collective insanity under the influence of psychedelic poisoning from fungus or other influences. The article referenced Pont St. Esprit, a small town in southern France, that in 1951 it became famous as the site a mysterious medical outbreak. The cause was assumed to be ergotism - poisoning caused by chemicals produced by a fungus which can infect grain crops. Contaminated bread was thought to be responsible. Symptoms reported included dreamy delirium, digestive disturbances, insomnia and hallucinations because some of the toxins are chemically related to LSD, though there are other theories to the cause. 

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