Materials Matter - Rare Earths Mobile phone cutaway Infographic Illustration
Rod Hunt was commissioned by The Restart Project to illustrate Materials Matter, educational resources to learn about the materials inside our electronics and their significance. Through hands-on activity, we reveal hidden environmental impacts of mobile phones and other electronics.

Materials Matter is a printed leaflet, set of cards and script for disassembly and reassembly of a mobile. Participants of all ages can learn about the raw materials inside electronics by reading our leaflet and using our cards to pair with mobile phone components. These materials focus on a specific group of “critical” raw materials, of significant economic importance, presenting a supply risk. As our electronics have become more miniaturised, they have become more materially complex. Sometimes it is hard to envision everything that went into getting the materials in our products. If we challenge ourselves, we can learn how land, the environment and people are impacted by the production of the things we all buy.

The Restart Project is a people-powered social enterprise that aims to fix our relationship with electronics.
Environmental Impact Infographic Illustration by Rod Hunt  - The impact on the environment of mobile phones and electronics
Mobile Phone Isometric Cutaway Illustration by Rod Hunt
Critical Raw Materials Isometric Illustration
Isometric Information Graphics Rare Earths
Critical raw materials impact illustration
renewable energy illustrations
electronics recycling infographics
environmental infographics
critical raw materials environment infographic
waste management critical raw materials illustrations
infographics rare earths critical raw materials in electronics technology manufacturing
environmental pollution from mining rare earths and critical raw materials - illustrations
environmental impact illustrations
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